The Gun Vault is a place to keep and organize your 2A life!

The Gun Vault is a place to keep and organize pictures of your guns along with important documents like your receipts and serial numbers in case you ever need them.

Organize your guns

Upload pictures of your guns with a detail list of accessories along with description, serial number, and receipts or related documents.

important documents

You can upload pictures of important documents like your 2A Benefits, hunting leases and more…

2a Lifestyle

Our goal is to support the 2A community and we are working hard to bring you new features like the ability to insure all guns / accessories in your vault and a Private 2A Marketplace as well as other 2A lifestyle benefits.


We operate a private network! We own all our own equipment and hardware allowing only a 2 person team access to this controlled area. We are not a part of the “Big Tech” stack that so easily de-platforms companies for being PRO 2nd Amendment.


upload pictures of your guns


add accessories & reciepts


review included 2a benefits


go back to your 2A lifestyle!

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